Tough Workout

Getting into the groove today was tough.  Normally Monday is a 5k but because of my schedule I switched it with my 1000 calorie workout Wednesday.

But judging by my performance on the treadmill, I doubt I would have had a decent time running a 5k.  Mentally I wanted to work out but when I finally started, it was so hard to get going.

Check out what I did

First was the treadmill, I tried to run for 36 minutes but I just could not.  I ended up stopping at 18 minutes and if I recall correctly burned about 300 calories.  I did run another 6 minutes and struggled mightily for a mere 73 calories.  So for this first and second treadmill attempt I would just record it as 292 Calories.
I had more luck on my first shot on the elliptical, not sure if I was warmed up are finally past my lull.  But I did burn 413 Calories in 30 minutes.
My third treadmill run was 338 calories at a low 2 incline where I ran 1.5 miles 18 min
I finished off on the elliptical for 12 minutes burning 164 calories.

In the end I did burn my 1000 calories but it was super tough.

Tomorrow is no cake since I have 2 workouts.  But at least it is split into two.

Weight: 252.0

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