Working out with a partner

I usually workout solo.  I like the focus and time to myself.  It is a time where I burn off steam and can contemplate.  Once and a while I will work out with someone else and it is fun, usually time goes by faster.

Today is unusual in that this is the first time this entire year that I recorded I have worked out with my wife.

She has lost a lot of weight.  Before this blog started.  But during the past few months she has gained a bit, not a lot, but enough where she has upped the intensity and frequency of her workouts.

So today, after her treadmill run she joined me in the workout video.  She did not do the entire thing, but she did most of it.

It was really enjoyable.  We have to do it again.  I have to mark this day as a milestone.

Weight: 251.2

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