I was feeling good and went into my workout today thinking I was going to rock.
Yesterday I got off the treadmill and I thought my left foot was pretty sore. Almost stinging.
Today after my warm up run I had the same pain.
When I get done with a good work out I like being sore. To me it is a sign that I had a good workout.
Last month with the gout, I considered myself injured. Something was definitely wrong and any workout had the potential for long term maybe even permanent injury.
Hurt is the middle ground. This is real pain, and its hard to tell if pushing will make it worse and lead to injury. I can tell though that this is rough stuff. I think if I push, it will lead to injury and a much more down time.
So I will take it easy. Tomorrow, I will try a 1 mile run and a 1 mile walk. No 4+ this weekend. Hard to know when I can run a 4+ again.
Weight: 255.0