Going to try a vegi diet

During Lent you are supposed to give up something.  One thing I will try to give up and this will be very difficult is meat.

I am not going to be a true vegan or vegetarian, but I will make an honest try to give up meat.  Basically if it breaths I can’t eat it.  So Pork, Beef, and Chicken.  Fish will be OK, but I will have to avoid shell fish to prevent gout.

Inspiration came from coworkers Alison and Abbie, as well as a former coworker Matt T.  Today I went to lunch with Alison so I could get some tips on what to eat.  I picked something out and it was awesome, I really did like the taste.  Another think she mentioned was to expect to get hungry again quickly.  One thing I noticed was the price, little bit more than I usually spend for lunch but not out there.  Matt was more of “Part Time” vegetarian, and who knows, maybe I will be that after Lent.

Also for dinner, I had fish and veggies, was good too.

This was a dry run though.  Lent will be from Feb 17th to April 3rd.

Workout was most excellent, although I think I may have hurt something.  I’ll see in a day or two if I over did it.

Weight: 255.0

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2 Responses to Going to try a vegi diet

  1. Meat Eater says:

    I feel like having some Poke!

  2. larry says:

    Poke works for me. It’s seasoned raw fish for all you non-kamaaina out there.

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