Fizzled start to New Year

Remember that Scene in the last years Star Trek movie.  The Enterprise an crew were all gearing up to rescue some the people at Vulcan.

They were energized, built up and ready to go.  All set to jump into Warp to head to Vulcan, then Sulu pushes it…. nothing… parking brakes were left on… err… inirtial dampeners or something like that.

Anyway, that is what the New Year feels like.  I felt so much going into this new year.  And my gout has to take over and slow my big bang. 

Anyway, back to the analogy.  It was a good thing that the Enterprise did not leave, it gave Kirk a chance to get up and stop them from entering an ambush.

So this is good, it let me focus on other things.  I still have not pulled the Warp speed lever, but I am raring to go.

For now push ups and sit ups.  Life is goign to get busy in a few weeks so I should just enjoy.

Weight: 250.2

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