Awesome weekend coming up

If you recall last weekend was brutal.  But I work for a good company and they gave me another 3 day weekend to replace the 3 day weekend that broke.  Technically I had a 1.5 day weekend.

Anyway, this is Friday, I have a triple workout today. Run/Walk, Gym, and a Walk.

Saturday 4 mile, with 1 mile run uphill.  I still thinking of a name for that route… maybe my 1+3?

Sunday I am considering just doing a single Run/Walk, but we’ll see how the evening goes.  I may do some sprints.

Monday I would like to do another 1+3.

And Tuesday, another gym day.

Exciting couple of days coming up.

Oh yeah yesterday evening, instead of 2 mile walk I did 3.  I think it paid off, check it out.

Weight: 286.0

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