Getting dark and raining

The weather is not cooperating anymore.  It is going to get tougher to run our side in the mornings and I am going to have to start considering running indoors on a treadmill or a bike.

Maybe it is a good thing because running on a treadmill does not put the same stress on my feet as running on pavement.

Anyway, Fridays are my heavy workout days.  I ran a 4+ this morning with a time of 53:26 and I still got a gym workout tonight.  I feel slower but the time does not reflect it.

Looks like I am in striking distance of my goal of 250 on the 20th. I have 18 days, in fact I may be ahead of schedule and may indeed hit it in 2 weeks.  I fear though, that a lot of my weight is water.  So I will hydrate a little more than usual today and the weekend.

Weight: 256.6

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