Author Archives: larry

A 5k in May

My buddy Rob told me of his plans to run a 5k in May.  I may join him and consider it a “Warm Up” for the Half Marathon in June. So today I thought I would try a 5k for … Continue reading

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Working out with a partner

I usually workout solo.  I like the focus and time to myself.  It is a time where I burn off steam and can contemplate.  Once and a while I will work out with someone else and it is fun, usually … Continue reading

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Weight Makes a difference in running

I am not sure why but I did gain several pounds over the past week.   I will closely monitor it the next few days. Recall last week I ran the 4+ in 47:59, today I ran it in today Four … Continue reading

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Spike in weight

(Another Late Post) Not sure why, maybe its the snacking, lower intensity workout, or diet, but my body seems to feel heavier. I hope it is just bloat.  Spoke to Paul at work today, he said I should cut out … Continue reading

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Walked a lot today

At work we have incentives to do healthy things like a Doctors Physical, Quit Smoking, Donate blood etc. One of those things is to walk 10000 steps a day.   Normally I blow that number away, but today was an off … Continue reading

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Dehydrated after workout

(Another late post) I had another 1000 calorie workout.  One thing I noticed is that I am really tired afterwards.  But this time I had some water and felt great. Moral of the story… drink water constantly. I already knew … Continue reading

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Hard to work out without music

Hmm, I forgot my MP3 player today and I had to go through a workout without music.  It was more of a mental struggle than usual, especially during the warm ups.  But as I got in the groove I started … Continue reading

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Emotion Sure Does Help

I won’t go into it in detail but sometimes people say things that just piss you off. I don’t know if it was the coffee or the harassment, but boy did I feel like running today.  One of the reasons … Continue reading

Posted in Milestone, Two Lap, Weigh In | Leave a comment

Busy for a Sunday

Slept late last night (actually this morning at 5AM).  I was up doing work and some testing. When I woke up, I had to take care a bunch of things, like Mow the lawn, wash the cars, fix the garage … Continue reading

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Curious how my weight fluctuates

I am curious on how much my weight changes over the course of a day. At 1:23AM I weighed in at 254.0 before going to bed At 8:45AM I weighed in at 252.4 immediately after waking up At 9:20AM I … Continue reading

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