Author Archives: larry


Today is Mother’s day and I really did not have a good workout.  I was going to do yoga but I got so busy during the day.  So my lack of exercise is kind of bothering me. It shouldn’t, but … Continue reading

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Oh so close

The current milestone for weight is 246.6 See below for today’s ready.  I did not have a new milestone for weight.  But pretty darn close. But there was another milestone.  Last week I did 9 miles (actually more then that), … Continue reading

Posted in Four Plus Time, Milestone, Two Lap, Weigh In | Leave a comment

Fast Run Ruined By MP3 player

I think I would have hit a new milestone if I did not fuss around so much with my MP3 player during my run.  At one point I just put it away and just ran. My time 24:03.92 I did … Continue reading

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Needed a rest day

Today wasn’t a tiring day, just busy. When I got home there was still a lot of personal stuff to do.  I am so glad today was a rest day. The weather is getting nicer and there is more daylight.  … Continue reading

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Keeping hydrated helps

Today I did a 1000 calories workout Specifically 673 calories on the treadmill while going over 5 MPH for 36 minutes, 12 minutes on the stationary bike burned 170 calories and 20 minutes on the elliptical burned 300. Also sprinkle … Continue reading

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Holy smokes what a workout

This morning started out good for once.  I actually ran a two lap which really got my day going.  The first 1/2 lap did not look too promising but things did pick up and I had a good run time. … Continue reading

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Ran a 5k

I think since I work from home on Mondays, I will shoot to run a 5k if weather permits. It was pretty cold and windy today but dry, I thought my time would have been worse but I think I … Continue reading

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Paying the price

Ooooooo Yesterday I did so well, and last night I had to ruin it by drinking a lot. Not sure if it was worth it either.  Was hung over today and could not do anything.  Just a simple workout late … Continue reading

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Long run today

Longest one yet Started out the run weighing in at 252.6, weather was cool, I will be wearing a windbreaker, also it is overcast. Marking it as a 4 plus but time is for the two times I ran it. … Continue reading

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Once again shoes makes a difference.

These new shoes aren’t the greatest and they are showing it.  But the fact is these shoes did improve my running.  Just not as dramatic as the last new pair. Time was decent Run: 24:59.29 Just a hair below 25 … Continue reading

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