Author Archives: larry

Paying for insomnia

Yesterday I could not make it.  I had to go home early from work and I slept. Thus I missed my gym workout. But I did make some of it up today, after burning about 740 calories on the treadmill … Continue reading

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Insomnia sucks

Couldn’t sleep last night, I know today is going to be a rough one but I know I have a presentation to do today. At least I got out and ran, Time: 25:19.61 Then got gym workout tonight.   I should … Continue reading

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Wow, thought I did better

Well, ran a 5k, based on the feel of the run I swear I thought I broke my record.  To my surprise I did not. Pretty bummed. Time: 37:35 Well, may next time.  But the rest was badly needed.  My … Continue reading

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So Tired Today

I don’t know why I was so lethargic today.  I slept well. Anyway, after church took a nap and went to party and got home late. Could only to some quick pushups and situps . Weight is no surprise, I … Continue reading

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Sometimes… Nothing

Just did pushups and situps today.  Had a nice long run planned, but sometimes stuff happens, and it stays private. Weight: 254.2

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Definately Experiencing Burnout

I don’t know if its the air quality, tired, lazy, or fear of the long running, but I certainly am not running at peak performance. I did a 2 lap this morning and came in at 27:02.62, within parameters but … Continue reading

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Air… need air

Alright, today was supposed to be a light day, but I wanted to see what my legs could do for speed (vs distance) so after work I tried to run as fast as I could for 1 lap (which is … Continue reading

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Thinking I could go faster

Still dread my workouts.  I wonder when this dread will stop because it sure hurts my desire. Anyway, did pretty good regardless.  I ran a 5k in decent time. Time: 36:41 5 seconds short of beating the record. Tomorrow is … Continue reading

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Losing Willpower

Today I ran a 2 lap Time: 25:17.14 and I got some gym workout this afternoon. What’s disturbing me is that I seem to be losing that desire to push harder.  Note that I still putting in good time and … Continue reading

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Tough Workout

Getting into the groove today was tough.  Normally Monday is a 5k but because of my schedule I switched it with my 1000 calorie workout Wednesday. But judging by my performance on the treadmill, I doubt I would have had … Continue reading

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