Author Archives: larry

Rest Day

For sure, just did some simple pushups, situps, curls, and arm extensions. I woke up in the morning OK, but in the evening I started hurting. Weight: 249.8

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Oh My God, I did it. Within a year 1 went from 1/2 mile to 1/2 marathon I just finished an incredible run Here is the breakdown of my run Start Time 3:45:00 4+ 48:44 4+ 52:26 4+ 56:40 1 … Continue reading

Posted in Four Plus Time, Milestone, Weigh In | 2 Comments

Anxios but need to heal

Did an easy 1 lap today.  Took a a while 15:04.49, I guess I could have gone faster.  But I know I have to rest my body for this massive run Saturday.  Also was going to walk another mile but … Continue reading

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For a weekday really pushed it

As usual, Wednesday is my 1000 calorie workout day.   But I did try a new supplement called NoXplode.  After my 1000 calorie workout I did some arm workouts because on Friday I will cut my gym workout short (not too … Continue reading

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Could not run this morning

Tried to run again, but stopped after a lap, not because I was lazy, but because I had to use the bathroom Time: 14:27.47 Pretty lousy/ We’ll see what my endurance is tomorrow. At least I still have gym tonight. … Continue reading

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Working out with my son

Well today I was supposed to run a 5k but instead just ran a single lap because my son decided to run with me and he could not keep up. Time: 12:26.11 Anyway, it was a good experience and I … Continue reading

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Woohoo First Race

Was pretty exciting.  I did not do well compared to others but I did run better than a 10 minute mile. Here are  the stats I placed 421th out of I dunno how many, I think 700.  My number was … Continue reading

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Warm up run for 5k tomorrow

So I am in Canada, I ran Central once, its a little more than 2 miles, also it was a bit modified due to some construction. Looks like it was 2.5118 So says google Time: 26:29.50 I think I … Continue reading

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Went to Canada Today

Normally I do a morning run with a evening gym workout.  But I had to go to Canada so I did a four plus Time 49:02 Pretty slow but within parameters. Anyway tomorrow I will run the park.  Let’s see … Continue reading

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Trying to get body into rythm

Talk about tired.  I took an ambien to try and get my body to follow a normal sleep cycle. This morning I felt like it did not complete its goal. I may take it again tonight.  Anyway, today is a … Continue reading

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