Author Archives: larry

Starting to notice something

Today’s run was crap and yesterdays gym workout was not all that spectacular. Also I am starting to notice my weight hovering around 286.  I think I need to do something drastic to break this number. Still thinking… but will … Continue reading

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Low Energy

What a tough morning run.  I feel like my legs did not want to go.  I did not use my inhaler this morning, but I am starting to think that I may need it to get oxygen to my muscles.  … Continue reading

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Way better run today

So I have today off, but I still woke up early to run.  I did another 1+3 but in this case I almost did 2 miles.  I was probably a quarter mile short. Anyway, I didn’t think I could top … Continue reading

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My Conviction

So I went for an evening walk in the rain.  Seems kind of foolish but I had to do it.  Why?  Because if I didn’t then reasons to not work out would come easily. This light rain should not be … Continue reading

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Taking it easy

Actually, the more accurate statement is I am working my normal workout (Run/Walk in the AM, and 2 mile walk in the evening) even though today is a weekend day. Basically I am not overworking myself today.  Today marks 3 … Continue reading

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What an incredible morning!!!!!

Yesterday I posted high hopes for this weekend.  Even if everything is a wash for the rest of the weekend, I still feel super good just for today. Just a side note, before I ran I jumped on the scale … Continue reading

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Awesome weekend coming up

If you recall last weekend was brutal.  But I work for a good company and they gave me another 3 day weekend to replace the 3 day weekend that broke.  Technically I had a 1.5 day weekend. Anyway, this is … Continue reading

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Getting Darker

I noticed today when I went out to run at 5:15 that the street lights were still on.  Soon I will be running in the dark and have to look at wearing reflective material. Man what is up with the … Continue reading

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Had a better morning run

I have today off for a bit so I slept in a bit.  But I did have a Livemeeting regarding that fire at Fisher Plaza today. When I got up and started my run, I knew I could not dilly … Continue reading

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My Second Try at the Gym

OK, the first workout at the gym at work was not a real workout.  More like seeing what the machines could do. Today was a little more real. After a 10 minute treadmill warm up, I hit the weights.  I … Continue reading

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