Author Archives: larry

Yes, I have met with my first wall

Ok, so when I started my current job I was this weight.   This weight is significant because this is a wall I hit last year from March 16, 2008 to June 17, 2008. It is a huge psychological barrier. This … Continue reading

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Interesting 26 hours ahead

So in 15 days my son returns, I indicated that it would be awesome if I was at 275 when he gets back.  Those plans were dashed when for some strange reason the scale popped to 288 earlier this week. … Continue reading

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Found my legs!!!

Wow, I am so excited, I hit another milestone.  I ran the 1+3 route in less than 1 hour.  So technically it wasn’t a 1+3, it was more a 2+1+1 where I ran 2 miles, walked 1, and ran 1. … Continue reading

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Back on Track

I feel like the rest did me good.  Its weird… I feel like the scale has been shifted by 4 lbs.  For now I will accept the weight for what it is.  I do feel bloated and heavier. I looked … Continue reading

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Body needs rest today

I been pushing pretty hard lately so I think I’ll cut my body some slack and rest it a bit today. This morning I did try to run a 1+1 but ended up doing a 1/2 + 1/2 because I … Continue reading

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Maybe I am overworking myself

I pushed pretty hard yesterday evening.  It was one of those penalty walks.  Basically I did a modified 1+3 where I went down the hill a bit more and ended up walking 2 miles uphill. Anyway, I won’t change what … Continue reading

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Anger… Disappointment… Frustration… Disgust

What else describes my state. Yesterday was a pretty good day.  But I did go to a party and ate a bit, also last night I drank a large screwdriver and kind of snacked while watching Star Trek movies. I … Continue reading

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Four Week Mark

So time for a little reflection since I am closing in on the 1 month mark. First off, after today’s weigh in, I am losing about 2.9 lbs a week.  I hope to sustain that (or even exceed it) at … Continue reading

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Fast First Mile

I don’t know if it was the good sleep or a good meal the night before (I did kind of eat more than usual but not till I was full) but I had a good run this morning.  I think … Continue reading

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Am I getting lazy?

So I did a 1+3 today and seems like I am slowing down a bit.  What worries me is that I’m already losing that drive.  But being worried may be a good thing… its when if I truly start to … Continue reading

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