Author Archives: larry

I made my goal amazing enough.

Late post today, but I am what you call furlough.  Our company is not doing so well and to implement costs savings they have initiated mandatory unpaid furloughs, where you take a day off and are unpaid.  We got 10 … Continue reading

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Going to pass on an AM workout

I got too much to do and I need to be in to work early. Hey Life happens… anyway, got gym and evening walk still. I am going to make it worthwhile. Weight:  272.2 (This did not post right and … Continue reading

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Body Screaming… I need to listen

OK I really put my body through a workout yesterday.  I did a 3+1, 1 mile run on the treadmill and 2 miles walking on the treadmill. Also I did weights. Now it is screaming for rest.  I did a … Continue reading

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Am I hitting a wall

Not sure if I am, one of the reasons I track my weight.  I may need to up my workout or do something to change my pattern to fool my body. Yesterday I barely ate.  But it could be the … Continue reading

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Running Two Miles

September is closing in and fall will soon be here and also another milestone.  Two mile straight running.  In the past I have usually run 1 mile and walked 1 with occaisonally running 2 miles.  Then there’s th 1+3, which I really … Continue reading

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Late weigh in.

This has been a busy day.  We have been without hot water for a day now.  The original Water Heater we purchased had a significant dent and returning it really put a dent in my schedule. Anyway I will work … Continue reading

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Busy weekend… late start

Alright got a busy weekend.  But did start the day late.  I have documents to do, some DNS strategy planning and migrating to a new web server. Yesterday I did get a really good workout, I’m pretty sure I sweat … Continue reading

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Drinking add’s some pounds

Yesterday I had a few drinks during happy hour with my coworkers.  Today, I see the damage not in my constitution but in my weight. Last time I drank I gained weight too.  A glass of wine did not do … Continue reading

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At awe, can’t really think of much to say.

You know I can’t believe this, in a way I am shocked.  Right now I don’t know what to say.   Today marks the last day of the 2nd month I started training, and I cracked the 270 mark.  Barely, but … Continue reading

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Wow found another gem from a long time ago

So here’s a little known thing I haven’t mentioned. Since Jan 1st, 2002 I have only missed 1 day of working out.  But the lower end workouts were simply pushups and situps.  My oh my how long this has been. … Continue reading

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