Author Archives: larry

Broke through the plateau

This is incredible.  I haven’t seen this type of weight for a while now.   I feel so good. I went for a 1+3 run (where I actually ran 3 miles) today.  This is a lte weigh in mind you. When … Continue reading

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I think I got the right weight

So I have a schedule to keep.  Basically I want to be 250 by Oct 20th (actually Oct 23 but I want it a little sooner) In order to stay on schedule I need to be 260 in less than … Continue reading

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Unofficial Weigh In

As promised, I was going to weigh myself when I got home.  But it is not official.  Sad thing is that this feels like my weight. Unofficial: 269.0

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Forgot to weigh in this morning

Well I worked out in the gym this morning.  I got up early, but forgot to weigh in. Schedule is out of the norm for me. Anyway… will weigh in tonight but will not be an official weight.

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Side effects of the vitamins I am taking

I ran out of the Centrum multivitamin I was taking and started taking this newer multivitamin meant for male atheletes. So let me start with the good I feel better, I certainly feel sharper during the day.  During my workouts … Continue reading

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Delayed workout today

I can tell my weight really does fluctuate when I workout in the morning.  Anyway, I did not workout this morning because my kids started school. I still weighed in and was heavier than expected. In the afternoon I did … Continue reading

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Morning workouts do change weight

Looks like when I weigh in does matter.  Also I do feel like I am getting less bloated. In the past 2 months I have been weighing in after my morning workout.  Yesterday was an exception, I weighed myself before … Continue reading

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Weight doesn’t seem right

So I weighed in the morning, it is hard to believe I gained so much in 2 days.  I will write this one off as bloat. I weighed in before I worked out because I went on the treadmill at … Continue reading

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Still in Canada

Still no weigh in. I tried running that park route but there were a whole bunch of people going in the opposite direction. Was interesting Maybe I should join something like this in the US So no weigh in … Continue reading

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Visiting Canada so no weigh in

But I am working out.  Ran that route around the park I mentioned about the last time I was here.  Did it twice. So the entire workout was composed nearly 5 miles. The interesting thing is that the route seems … Continue reading

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