Author Archives: larry

Workout Schedule

So yesterday’s (actually today’s) late post got me thinking of my workout schedule. Monday – Gym run on Treadmill 4 miles in 1 hour.  Add another 2 mile walk.  Bus walk suffices. Tuesday – 2 mile morning run + Gym … Continue reading

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Forgot to post yesterday

I went off my normal routine yesterday and ended up working out at work. So this is a late post and you will see one in a few minutes after my AM run, but the weight is yesterday’s weight. I … Continue reading

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Football Season is starting

So the football season is starting.  It is going to start affecting my workout shedule since I am a football junkie. Anyway, late workout again.  I ran a 4+ today, I thought I was gonna have a crappy run but … Continue reading

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Doubts starting to creep in

I don’t know if I will make it.  Yesterday and last night I ate some bad stuff (junk food).  Although I have to enjoy something once and a while. Anyway, my weight is not progressing as quickly as I wanted … Continue reading

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Scarfed out last night

Yesterday I worked late and I was really hungry when I got home.  Plus there were these awesome little fried fish that I couldn’t stop munching on.  I am pretty sure they were bad for me.  Late Dinner + Good … Continue reading

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Slowly back in the groove

Yesterday, as the day went on, it became clear I needed to rest.  As noted, I skipped my morning workout, but in the evening, I did not go to the gym.  I just did not feel well.  Instead I went … Continue reading

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Slowing down a bit today

My body is sore, it is signaling that it needs some rest.   I don’t like slowing down because I feel like I am losing this weight loss momentum.  But I am starting to understand my body and the aches and … Continue reading

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Getting darker, running faster

I got up this morning to do my run and it was dark.  I did run my normal route twice which is about 1.2 miles once.  So I ran over 2 miles.  Its starting to look like I’m going to … Continue reading

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Another late day run

It is Labor day and I had the day off.  So I decided to only do 1 workout.  Still it was a 4 mile.  This time I hardly walked I ran almost the entire length.  So as of right now … Continue reading

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Finally got a watch and stopped snoring

Today is Sunday, so as usual it is a late workout.  But its cool because I ran a 1+3, ran it in exactly 57.0 minutes.  I will start to time my runs now.  First I will see what I normally run … Continue reading

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