Author Archives: larry

Just Got To Get Out There

I got up this morning, not really dreading my run but feeling lazy.  I knew that I did a little extra yesterday so I felt like I deserved another break. Still I persevered and got myself out there.  I started … Continue reading

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Pretty good time despite apathy

I tried that noxplode drink before I ran this afternoon. It was interesting in that my legs did push but my head was not in it.  In the end though, my 5k was alright. Time: 36:55 Afterward I did another … Continue reading

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Sunday turning out to be a rest day

Looks like Sunday is shaping up to be a rest day. Just did situps, pushups, curls, and arm extensions. Weight: 254.6

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Long distance running

I thought I was going to struggle on two Four Plus that I was running.  I actually did pretty well.  One of those days I dread going out, but the weather was nice, just got that lazy feeling.  Shook it … Continue reading

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Slept well last night

Yup, I was burnt out.  But I sleep extremely well last night.  Got up in the morning ran a Two Lap plus a walk of 1 lap. Time: 25:34.87 Got gym tonight but need to keep it short.  Have some … Continue reading

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Burned Out

I haven’t been sleeping well.  Hope that changes tonight.  Also need to get out early tomorrow, which means getting in early. Something has to give.  Only 24 hours in the day. Anyway, today was a rest day, got to walk … Continue reading

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1000 in 1 hour

Today was my thousand calorie workout.  I rarely make 1000 calories in an hour (usually a few minutes over)  but I was able to do it all on a the treadmill without the cool down phase.   (Side note, there was … Continue reading

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Back to work

Its been a nice three day break but I have to get back to my routine. I did my morning run, pretty decent time. Time: 25:15:38 My weight should drop more as all the bad stuff I consumed this weekend … Continue reading

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Memorial Day

Last day of taking it easy. Went clamming at Birch Bay, and got back late. Too late to work out.  Just did couple pushups and situps Anyway, new week starts tomorrow, back to training. Another weight anamoly, watch it drop … Continue reading

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Still Sore

At least I ran 1 lap and walked 1.  Hopefully I will regain full speed in a day or two more. Weight is an anomaly, I am sure it is on the high end of what I usually weigh. Weight: … Continue reading

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