Author Archives: larry

Not my best time but…

Ran a 2 mile this morning.  That is the only workout I will do today and boy is it tiring.  My time was bad, 28:39.84, but today is technically a rest day and I was supposed to run1 walk 1 … Continue reading

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Tough gym runs the past 2 days

I don’t like running on the tradmill like I used to. But I do burn some calories Check this two photos out Tuesday Gym Workout Wednesday Gym Workout Also when I weighed in at the gym it was 260.

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Strain on my body

I feel really tired today, but I am goign to drive on.  The schedule change,  lack of sleep (from the night before), and so much things to do is taking its toll. Anyway, today I got another gym workout, but … Continue reading

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Whoa, what happened to my weight

I am kind of surprised at the scale reading this morning, but as usual, I am not worried. I think the prior weight where I was under 263 were anomolies because of dehydration. I think my true weight is 264-265. … Continue reading

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Switching schedules

Life happens, got duties at work, commitments to my kids education, birthday parties.  So I am switching schedules. Also, I am on the hook to burn an access of 1500 calories per day.  From now till I hit 250, I … Continue reading

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Getting darker at night

I ran a 4+ today as scheduled.  Unfortunately I forgot to start the stopwatch. But it is getting darker.  Daylight is getting scarce and it is about to get worse.  Fall equinox is in 2 days and it will be … Continue reading

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Puyallup Fair didn’t set me back as much

This is a late post but I did run a 4+ earlier today.  Decent time, 53:37, it would have been a new record if it weren’t for 2 fairly long stop lights. We went to the Puyallup Fair yesterday.  Boy … Continue reading

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New Records and still not done for the day

Ran another 4+ today, I had a pretty good time, the fastest since I started timing it with my watch,  51:31. I think I did go under 50 minutes once, but today I will call this the record because the … Continue reading

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Running in the dark

So today I was supposed to run only 1 mile and walk 1 mile because it is  a rest day.  I ended up running the entire 2 miles. Anyway, it is getting pretty dark, I started my run at 5:40 … Continue reading

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Worked out in gym this AM

Well I am worked out at the gym again this morning, hence the late post. I did jump on the gym scale and lo and behold it said 262. Alas, tis not official.  My weight before workout today which is … Continue reading

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