Author Archives: larry

What a busy few days

With the rush to get my auntie her last sight seeing tours and getting packed, it has been hard getting a workout in. To make it worse, this evening when I went running my kneww was hurting bad. Anyway, not … Continue reading

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Another Month, Weight Loss is slowing

Another month has passed and although I have shown improvement, the slowness of my weight loss pace is alarming.  At this rate I will not make my goal by end of year of 225.  If you take my weight loss … Continue reading

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Another Late Night Run

I been really busy the past few days.  With most of the family preparing to leave and doing the last few tours of the town with my aunt, it has been hectic.  As well as unhealthy. I still find time … Continue reading

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Feeling Lazy

No is a critical time, I have mentioned in recent weeks that this is about the time I start giving up. The past few days have been bad, I know I did visit the doctor Friday but my son had … Continue reading

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Missed Post for Yesterday

This is a late post for Saturday, I memorized the weight because this is the heaviest my scale can go without cracking 260. It was a bad workout, I tried to run in the morning but my foot just hurt … Continue reading

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Oh So Close!!!!

Ran a 4+ today, so close to cracking 50 minutes.  My time 50:02 I know there was a light or two that I was at but so were all the other runs I did. Oh well something to work for. … Continue reading

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New Toy

One of the things I hate is getting that protein shake down my throat.  I think it works but I feel like barfing when chugging it down. My buddy at work, Nate, mentioned that I should get something to properly … Continue reading

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Rice, Rock & Roll

So yesterday I purchased 3 x 10lb bags of rice and placed them on my desk at work. These bags of rice represent the first 30lbs of weight I lost.  Whenever I reach the decade mark (next one will be … Continue reading

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Wanted to quit running this morning

Today is a double workout day.  Phase one is normally a 2 lap (about 2.3 miles) run.  But boy did I want to give up quickly. First off I was up late last night, I simply could not sleep. Second I was … Continue reading

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I wanted to see what my BMI history would be as I lose weight.  Here it is Weight BMI Category 305 45.04 Obese Class III 300 44.30 Obese Class III 295 43.56 Obese Class III 290 42.82 Obese Class III … Continue reading

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