Author Archives: larry

Has it been 5 months already

Wow its been 5 months already.  The rate of loss has slowed, since last month I think I only lost 5 lbs.  But I have been  lighter than 253 during the course of the month. Feeling way better though, will … Continue reading

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The Road Back

Thursday’s are normally a rest day, but I know I needed to get back into that groove I was in. I went again to the gym today and did some chest workout with weights.  Before the weights I usually warm … Continue reading

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Still feeling sick

I woke up today feeling weak.  I know I need to rest but I went to work anyway.  Worse and  far more stupid, I went for an evening run to get in my workout for the day.  I was told … Continue reading

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Feeling Sick

Went home from work early today.  Feel so lousy. Tried running, ran 1 lap walked 1.  Too tired. Weight: 256.4

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Weight is weird

I don’t know why my weight is so high.  Could be bloat, but I did not eat a lot of stuff between now and last weigh in. I did drink a lot of water.  Workout was the video again.  I … Continue reading

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Still sore from that workout video

Steph predicted that Sunday would be bad.  She was right.  I am so sore.  I could not run today.  I just did a 1 lap run w/ a 1 lap walk. Tonight I will apply some tiger balm to see … Continue reading

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Got my butt kicked yesterday

Yesterday I tried something new for my second workout.  I still ran my 4+ in the morning, but in the afternoon I tried a workout video. I expected it to be hard but expecting and experiencing are different animals.  I … Continue reading

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Clothes are heavy

I ran a 4+ today, my time was good, 48:43, but not a record.  Still an incredible time because I hit 3 major stop lights and a kid stopped me for the time.  Also tied my shoe laces, but equipment … Continue reading

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Feeling slow today

Today is Thursday which is normally a rest day for me.  I did run 2 laps and feel good, but I don’t think I had the oomph I had the past 4 days.  My time was 25:48.38.  The next 2 … Continue reading

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So so close again.

I am so close to killing this 250 monster.  The next 3 days will interesting.  I will be focused. That said, my weight after dinner was 3 lbs more.  But I did what I went out to do and prove … Continue reading

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