Author Archives: larry

Tracking my food consumption

I am starting to track my food consumption on this web page It is an interesting site with its own blog and community.  It does like nice and in a way I wish I started there.  But not to … Continue reading

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Odds finally caught up to me

Went running in the dark tonight and stepped on something that tweaked my foot.   Guess with all the running in the dark I was bound to step on one of those pine cones and hurt myself. It had the potential … Continue reading

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Not as fast as I thought

The thing about keeping a blog is that I can go back and look at my performance.  I recall the times that I ran the 4+ under 46 minutes, but it was just last month that I cracked 50 minutes.  … Continue reading

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Survived Thanksgiving and had a most excellent run

So this is a late post.  This was actually done at 1AM Saturday morning.  I forgot to post cause I got busy.  Also am a little drunk 🙂  Will backdate this post. Anyway, awesome awesome awesome run.  Recall my bes … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving Day!!!!

So here it is, one of the most dangerous (weight gainwise) days of the year.  Today, culminates a pretty bad week, it started off Saturday with my parents coming in, then on Tuesday we had a birthday part, and today … Continue reading

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Had a long workout in gym

Had a decent, long workout in the gym today.  Tomorrow will be a big day, it is Thanksgiving.  I do want to enjoy myself, but I need to keep it real. This is a late post, but will change stamp … Continue reading

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Heavy Party Week

This week is full of big meals.  This is probably a bigger week than the Christmas to New Years Week. I will enjoy, but keep in mind my intake. Today I tried to run but my back is tweaked and … Continue reading

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Went to dietician today

I went to see a dietician today.  It was a real pleasure.  I learned quite a bit. Here is Some Information I collected My Cholestrol Info April 09 Weight: 305 Cholestrol: 251 Triglicerides: 130 HDL: 59 LDL: 166 October 09 … Continue reading

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Kicking myself a bit

I ran a Two Lap today plus added a lap walk.  Thing is I forgot to start my stopwatch before the run.  I felt like I was having a great run too.  I did time my second run and got … Continue reading

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The monster has been hurt

By monster I mean the 250 mark that has been oh so hard for me to break.  I will consider that monster killed if I consistently stay under 250 for 4 consecutive days one of those days being a weekend … Continue reading

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