Author Archives: larry

Another Slow Day

Well, my foot is feeling better but still hobbling along. The only way to keep weight done is through diet alone.  So I have to be careful what I eat. Weight: 249.2

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I think last day to heal

My left foot feels a lot better.  I highly suspect this swelling was triggered by something I ate, which is gout related, the cold weather, my lowered immune system due to a cold I have, the record cold weather, and maybe … Continue reading

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What a setback

This foot issue I am having is a huge setback. I can’t workout, I barely can do pushups and situps.  Hopefully this will get better in the next 48 hours and I will be running normally again. Don’t look too … Continue reading

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Sore Left Foot

So its been a bad day.  My left foot is now swollen, I think it is something I ate combined with the cold weather that caused this which I think may be gout. If that is the case it will … Continue reading

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Monster is slain

Today is the day. FINALLY, that 250 mark has been cracked and I can say I am less than 250 pounds.  Although no miletstones were met, I still want to call this one a milestone because it was so hard … Continue reading

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Too Cold To Run

Today I did not run outside due to safety issues.  Recall that my left foot is in a little pain, more on that in a bid, so running on a sidewalk or road where it is slippery for both car … Continue reading

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Holy Smokes, Talk about Milestones

Wow, after struggline to crack 250 I really nailed it.  I must say tracking your consumption is the magic that did it. I knew going into my workout I was going to crack 250 again because I did weigh in … Continue reading

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Whoa, I think this is the week

Judging by today’s weigh, I think this 4 day run will be the run that will put me under 250 permanently.  I am starting to see the positive effects of tracking my diet. Recall this post I mentioned 4 … Continue reading

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Worked out in gym today

A little late post but still OK. I went to work early today and worked out in the gym there.  I burned a little over 1000 calories.  Add to that the 2 miles of walking for the bus and I … Continue reading

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Last month of the year

Wow almost end of the calendar year.  A lot has happened since.  Got to admit, blogs are an incredible resource.  I had a pretty good two lap run despite having a cold and wearing a lot of clothes.  Time was … Continue reading

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