Author Archives: larry

Trying new medication

I went to Doctor’s today.  Switcing medication, hopefully this will work better. I forget how long I been like this, I think this Sunday will make 4 weeks or more.  I did work out.  The stationary bike is doable.  Certainly … Continue reading

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On track for recovery

I think I’ll make it, I will be on track to start running again next week.  Hate not having much to say though.  I feel like I am just going through the motions. Weight: 248.8

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Feeling the Healing

So as I rest my feet, I can feel it actually getting better. Still just maintaining my weight with diet.  Tomorrow I will be in the office so I can hit the stationary bike. I think its healed enough where … Continue reading

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Gout is gone but pain persists

So I think my body has reduced the uric acid in it.  Now I just need to actually wait and let me foot heal. I don’t think I will be able to work out normally again till the new year, … Continue reading

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In Canada, Not doing much

This is 3 weeks I believe that I have been hobbled.  Its amazing how much pain I am going though. Anyway, I will go to Doctor’s on Monday or at least try to get some new meds. No Weigh In, … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

My foot is really flaky, I don’t know how long it will be before I heal. Anyway Christmas is fun.  I actually am taking it easy till my foot will heal.  I think it will be New Years before I … Continue reading

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Christmas Eve

I recall several months ago I wanted to be 225 lbs by now. Three weeks ago I was hoping to be 240. Now I am struggling to get a decent workout. Don’t read to much into the weight.  It was … Continue reading

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Finally worked out

I finally got into the gym today.  I tried out the stationary bike and I was having a hard time.  Looks like it’s gonna be a long road back to full speed. I did some curls, bench, basic upper body … Continue reading

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I think I will exercise tomorrow

I will see how I feel tomorrow.  I think I will be able to work out and will try my best.  I feel like there needs to be a push to work out again.  Before christmas gets here. On a … Continue reading

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Was wrong, still wrestling with pain

Although the pain is diminished, it is still affecting me. I can’t believe how long this pain is lingering.  I expected to at least be gone enough to where I am pain free, just slightly tender.  I will continue to … Continue reading

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