Author Archives: larry

Still not running

Normally, I would be running today.  Not much I can do without reinjury though.  I don’t have a stationary bike. Weight: 250.8

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Busy schedule

Been really busy lately.  I haven’t had much time to relax.  But my time has been managed well.  I still am getting my execise in albiet no running. Weight: 250.0

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Increasing my workout

I tried to up my workout today by adding some time on to the elliptical today.  Unfortunately I couldn’t,  they way the elliptical made me beind my foot hurt too much. Anyway, I did have an excellent stationary bike workout.  … Continue reading

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Tippy Toe Test

So the problem with my left foot is that I can’t put pressure on the toes.  If I tippy toe today, my left foot won’t support me.  I think when I can Tippy Toe with little pain, I will still … Continue reading

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Starting to Care again

I tell you, when something is wrong with you, like when you are in pain, you stop to care about other things.  You don’t want to think about work, friends, family. You don’t want to do anything.  You just want … Continue reading

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Legs want to go, left foot don’t want to

Went walking for a lap today.  Left foot still hurts, I am for sure still hobbled.  But I feel like my legs want to go. In fact, my entire body but my left foot wants to run.  It’s like that one … Continue reading

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Fizzled start to New Year

Remember that Scene in the last years Star Trek movie.  The Enterprise an crew were all gearing up to rescue some the people at Vulcan. They were energized, built up and ready to go.  All set to jump into Warp … Continue reading

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Not a milestone but an important step

Today I actually went for a walk outside.  This brings my back to when I first started, when I barly could go 1/2 a mile.  My foot is certainly still tender, and I absolutely have a long way to go for … Continue reading

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Almost Hungover

Well, self inflicted, but hey, it was last/first party of the year. So I was pretty tired today, I think gout almost came back.  I could not take meds in the morning because I do not know how it will … Continue reading

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Goodbye 2009

This is the last post of 2009.  Sounds sad, but it does lead to the first post of 2010.  This was an extremely interesting year. I think my foot really is on the mend now.  Trying some new medication and … Continue reading

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