Author Archives: larry

Ran a 1+1

Legs are sore.  This time its a good sore, the kind from bringing them out of atrophy, use. I can tell this is going to take a while before I get to full speed again.  I timed my first lap … Continue reading

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Forgot to post yesterday

Hmm didn’t even weigh in. I did have a good workout on the treadmill.  I went for 15 minutes at 4 incline and 4.5 MPH.  After that I switched to the stationary bike for 10 minutes.  After that I was … Continue reading

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Running Again!!! err… almost

So I finally took a lap, still hurt a little but it felt good. Can doing an activitiy that hurts feel good? Anyhoo, super happy.  I will be ultimate happy when I can run fast with no pain. Weight: 254.2

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I miss how a good workout feels

It has been nearly two months since I have a had a workout where I have finished a workout and have been drenched in sweat. I have gotten close and today is one of those days that I had a … Continue reading

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Getting Lazy

OK  I admit it, I am getting lazy, I was supposed to start running again today.  I will start working out again, just not sure how intense and hopefully tomorrow. My foot does still hurt so I will give it … Continue reading

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Another busy day

I feel like lately I been coming up with excuses to work out.  Even today, yeah I had stuff to do, but always found time to work out. Maybe the end of football season will change things. Still I am … Continue reading

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Busy day

Was running around all day doing all kinds of tasks.  I snuck in a little workout, but still was too busy to get  a decent workout. Next month looks promising.  So my new phase will start then. Weight: 254.0

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Finally running again… kind of

Today I worked out at the gym in the office.  At first I planned to go on the stationary bike before switching to the elliptical.  Unluckily…. or luckily, someone has occupied it before I could get on. Instead of waiting … Continue reading

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Pushing off

Over the past few weeks, especially the last few days, I have been paying attention to how my feet was landing.   The pain did move around which lets me to believe that I actually went through 2 or more bouts … Continue reading

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Seventh Month Anniversary

Today marks the end of the 7th month that I am into this training.  What a long way.  I am pretty bummed that I will probably not make my goal of 190.  But I still can make a goal of … Continue reading

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