Author Archives: larry

Pain Killers will mess you up

I mentioned yesterday that the pain returned to my foot, I had some vicodin so I decided to take it to numb the pain. Big mistake, that stuff is nasty, it ruined my sleep.  No more. Anyway,  it took till … Continue reading

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Superbowl Sunday

Today is Superbowl Sunday where the New Orleans Saints beat the Indianapolis Colts. It was a relaxing day, I wanted to continue to let my foot heal. Maybe I ate too much food though. Anyway I am glad I rested, … Continue reading

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Easy workout day

Once again need to rest.  My foot doesn’t feel hurt but I know I have been premature in my return. Weight: 255.6

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Low impact but good workout

I need to figure out how to continue to let my foot heal while getting my legs into shape. Maybe some longer distance walking will do while I weights and some bike riding. Had a decent workout today, in addition … Continue reading

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Still hurting, I should take it easy

I ran a mile and walked a mile today and that was a mistake.  I thought my left foot is good but today’s run was a clear indication that I should not push it anymore. The run was done in … Continue reading

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Sore vs Hurt vs Injured

I was feeling good and went into my workout today thinking I was going to rock. Yesterday I got off the treadmill and I thought my left foot was pretty sore.  Almost stinging. Today after my warm up run I … Continue reading

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Going to try a vegi diet

During Lent you are supposed to give up something.  One thing I will try to give up and this will be very difficult is meat. I am not going to be a true vegan or vegetarian, but I will make … Continue reading

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Back to good habits

Now that my foot is healed (almost) I can get back to my normal habits like catching the bus, morning workouts etc.   Got up this morning to catch the bus, and had a really good workout at the office. Feeling … Continue reading

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Yes, am nearly up to speed

Today I was back on the sidewalk running at a fairly decent pace.  It was a struggle but it did feel good.  My left food was not in pain like it was, more of an annoyance.  But I do know, … Continue reading

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Foot feels way way better

But just weighed in and it is high. Feel bad cause I took it easy today. Weight: 261.0

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