Author Archives: larry

Day 2 of vegetarian

I feel OK right now.  The cravings that I have had has subsided.  But I think I am not out of the woods yet. It was supposed to be an easy workout day but I worked out a little harder … Continue reading

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Day 1 of my New Diet

I hate to use the word diet because to me it sounds like a temporary fix to ones food intake. But it does fit this situation.  I have stopped eating meat and I got to admit, there is some anxiety.  … Continue reading

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Last Day for meat for a while

I worked out a little today, but was too busy to work out longer. Today is Fat Tuesday, the day before Lent.  I will try to make it but I will be a vegaterian for six and a half weeks. I … Continue reading

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Slow go today

Took a nap in the afternoon then realized it was pretty late when I woke up. I’m OK with it though. Weight was measured at a weird time.  This is certainly not where I feel I should be. Weight 260.0

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Valentines Day

Didn’t eat a lot like I did during Superbowl Sunday, but I did enjoy a little today.  I may as well since lent is right around the corner. I am taking it easy with the workouts today.  My servers are … Continue reading

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Evaluating where I am at

Today I tried to run a 4+  It was more a 2+2.  My time was pretty sad, 1:20:03, pretty sad.   It was more of an endurance limitation though.  My first two miles were 29:21 which would get me through the … Continue reading

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I am tired and that’s good

Had a most excellent workout today. Today the dips were down to a 60 lb assist. During today’s workout I been thinking of revised milestones. Maybe the Saturday before Easter Sunday I will shoot to be back at full running … Continue reading

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Is it getting brighter?

Things have been improving.  My feet are holding up, and I am feeling so much better. But daylight is getting here sooner.  So I may be able to run in the morning again. Weight: 256.4

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I’m almost back

Actually I think I’m just a bit out of shape. Let me preface that yesterdays post was actually today.  What happened is after dinner last night I went to bed thinking I was going to take a short nap.  Next … Continue reading

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Good workout today

Everyday, the pain in my left foot diminishes.  I would venture to say that the plantar fasciitis is now more painful in my right foot than in my left foot. Still, if I stepped on my left foot incorrectly it … Continue reading

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