Author Archives: larry

Indoor workout

Weather is supposed to be spooky the next few days.  I will workout indoors. Was a gym day today anyway.  Had a good workout. Weight: 251.4

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Stormy Today

Another post of the next day I was going to run today, but it started to hail. Wasn’t safe to run.  Stayed in and did a light workout. Really bummed because of my weight. Weight: 251.6

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Almost Made It Again

I thought I wasn’t going to make weight today, I weight in oh so close.  205.2, but that was before my workout.  Also that was in the evening. After my workout, I did make it.    Did another aerobic video. Feeling … Continue reading

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Am I actually going to beat the monster

Remember the monster was hurt And the monster was slain here Then right after, I got gout then despair and set back. Of that was so long ago.  It is now March, nearly April, and I have 2 … Continue reading

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Got so busy did not eat lunch

What a day, I started the day off with a flat in my car, that made me late at work which caused my workout to start late. But it was a busy day.  So busy I did not eat lunch.   … Continue reading

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Went drinking

Some friends took me out for some drinks today.  Some place called Stanfords. Anyway was a rest day and did not put too much into my workout but I did bus it to work which added a mile or so … Continue reading

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Keep going and going

(another late post, really getting lazy, but read the post) Today I had scheduled a 1000 calorie workout.  I started off with a 20 minute run 4 incline and a 5MPH, was doing really well. The first 10 minutes were … Continue reading

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Feeling sluggish but powered through it

I went to the gym today, as usual the hardest part was the first 10 minutes. Still, I been feeling mightly lazy lately.  I hope this is just a phase, also could be because I have been having little sleep. … Continue reading

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Missed Day

Was a pretty lazy day.  Will take it easy.  I will make it up tomorrow.   For now I just did some pushups and situps. Weight: 254.8

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Oxygen, Need Oxygen

Weird, I been noticing something new, I feel like my lungs aren’t adsorbing the same amount of oxygen it has been. I have an asthma inhaler and I am wondering if it will help. Recall that yesterday I lost some … Continue reading

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