Taking it easy

Actually, the more accurate statement is I am working my normal workout (Run/Walk in the AM, and 2 mile walk in the evening) even though today is a weekend day.

Basically I am not overworking myself today. 

Today marks 3 weeks into this blog.  In about 10 days I will hit the 1 month mark.  From my progress so far, I will say I am on target to lose 10 lbs for this month which is on the high end. 

In 9 weeks it will be the start of regular season NFL games.  I would love to be in th 260’s by the start.  There is an outside chance I can crack 260 and maybe touch the 250’s.  That will require supreme effort.  As big of a wall 282 is for me.  That 260 one is huge. 

The next one is 240 which I have cracked once this century.  

My wife has never seen me in the 220’s because we started dating when I was in the 230’s, and anything under that, will be just plain amazing. 

The 200 mark is so far away, I can’t fathom how tough it is.  By then my BMR will be so low, that it will be tough triming a pound in a week.

For now… reality.

Weight: 286.6

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